You may have seen those little balls that gerbils and hamsters are running around in. Well let me tell you something, there are no pros to this specific gerbil "toy". Yes you see tiktoks and videos of gerbils and hamsters running around in it using it how it was made. However they aren't running because they like it, they are running because they are afraid, scared, and stressed. They are trapped in a ball with little ventilation, no food, no water, no bedding to burrow in, and nothing to do but run. Most of the time they can't even stop running because the owner puts them at a downhill or uphill slope. How would you feel if you were trapped inside a ball with nothing to do but run? Terrified, worried, and stressed would be the 3 feelings that come to mind if I were put in that ball. Please don't buy these torture contraptions. They can stress out your gerbil, create trauma and cause your gerbil to be scared of things they shouldn't be scared of, and sometimes even hurt them physically, gerbils can run into walls in that ball. Since most of these balls are tinted with a color, the gerbil can't really tell where an obstacle might be, they are also put in a completely different environment they aren't familiar with, which is very frightening for a small little rodent in a large room with nothing to do but run.
"Exercise balls for gerbils" Pros and cons