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Water Bottles v.s. Water Dishes... Who Wins?


There are a lot of debates on whether to give your gerbils a water bottle or water in a bowl, you may see one website say "Use a water bottle." and the next "Use a water bowl". While both could provide factual evidence. There is a lot to consider. I personally use a water bottle, but just because I do doesn't mean you have to, everybody's gerbils are different, and there will be certain things that your gerbils act better towards. For example, if your gerbils tend to burrow and kick bedding up, you might want to be safe with a water bottle on a high platform they can get to. If you leave it in the bedding, they might kick the bedding high enough that the bedding goes into the spout and the water pours out with the bedding holding it in. It is dangerous to have lots of wet bedding in your enclosure. Maybe put it on a cardboard, or wooden platform. I would suggest wooden if your gerbils are big chewers, another thing is if you have a hide in your sand bath, you could put a water dish under there to prevent it from being buried. It really depends on your gerbils and what you think is best for them.

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